Life fully experienced

Life Fully experienced

The name of our seminar "LiFe" is short for "Life Fully experienced" with the following topics:

How can we be happy?

Every human has the desire to be happy. There is the saying, “Everyone is the architect of his own fortune.” But can we really reach the goal of happiness by human means?

Why does God allow this?

Terror attacks, natural disasters, airplane crashes etc. raise the penetrating question, “Why does God allow this?” This question is explosive because it often radically interferes with our personal life.

What is the meaning of life?

Every human being would like to find an answer to the following questions: Where do I come from? Where am I going? What will come after death? What shall I do during my short span of life? What happens when we look to God for answers to these questions?

Discovering the gift of God!

This is the big gift of God. He loves us human beings so much that he gave his only son for us. Everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life! Do we want to accept this great gift?

Life in new dimensions!

A personal relationship with Jesus fundamentally changes the life of a human being and opens new dimensions. In prayer we experience God’s closeness, his comfort and his power. The Bible becomes a living guide for our lives. New friends enrich and strengthen our new life with God.


You are welcome to give us feedback on these LiFe topics.